Wizards and Witches logo

8,888 generative collection of Wizards & Witches conjured up on the Ethereum blockchain.

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0.022ETH each. Maximum 5 mints per transaction. Contract is optimized, gas will be extremely low!

Wizards & Witches

Purple Break

Wizards & Witches are conjured up with 160+ unique traits consisting of classy glasses, creepy companions, punky pendants, and more. The Wizards & Witches Academy is open to everyone and anyone with sorcery in their bones. Traits are androgynous to span the sexes with non-binary traits sprinkled in to fill out the roster. Each of the Wizards & Witches are summoned with randomly generated names, assigned classes, and titles.

wizard/witch one
wizard/witch two
wizard/witch three
wizard/witch four
wizard/witch five
wizard/witch six
wizard/witch seven
wizard/witch eight
wizard/witch nine
wizard/witch ten
wizard/witch eleven
wizard/witch twelve
wizard/witch thirteen
wizard/witch fourteen
wizard/witch fifteen
wizard/witch sixteen


White Break

Examples of rarities within Wizards & Witches, not only adorning unique traits, each Wizard and Witch will possess a unique name when conjured upon the blockchain. These rarity tiers are not defined in the metadata, only as an example of common to rare traits.



Theurgist Ari, the Apprentice



Necromancer Blake, the Gray



Necromancer Cole, the Green



Warlock Dylan, the Exalted


White Break

Visionaries are 1/1 NFTs for friends, family, community members, contest winners and magical Wizards & Witches within the NFT community.